Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The end of a political dynasty

Benazir Bhutto's unexpected death due to an apparent suicide bomb attack has left the biggest political dynasty of Pakistan in jitters. It has brought to forth the end of the family. Benazir followed her father's footsteps not just in life but also in death. It was politics that caused the death of both father and daughter. With the deaths of both her brothers and now herself, all that remains is the memory of a faboulously bold and modern political clan of Pakistan.

Benazir symbolized a lot of things that were very unlike the typical politicians of the country. An iconic personality of the world tpday, her political career has both rises and troughs. She has both been loved and hated in her nation for her modern approach towards politics. Very often, a parallel is drawn between Indira Gandhi and her, the only difference being that she didnt get to attain as big as heights as Indira Gandhi.

I got to end this blog now. Otherwise, it would be very much evident that I am totally wholly smitten by the late Benazir Bhutto's iconic personality.