The other day, I got another of the forwarded mails on my office id. And I was terrified reading this mail. More than terrified, I felt pathetic about the entire episode of a Bangalore based call centre employee being raped and murdered by a fake cab driver. One thing that I fail to understand is why cant these girls use their brains before a taking a step towards unknown danger and lifelong tragedy? Its not that they are to be blamed wholesomely..its of course the wicked f*****g guys who treat women as nothing more than an object for satisfying their physical urges (bloody sex maniacs that they are) but then at the same time, its also true that girls forget about the issues that they can face trusting unknown people. That’s one side of the coin. There are another set of victims who fall prey to the people they trust, mostly their boyfriends. Not to forget abuse at the household which is all the more tormenting. Its time the fairer sex raises their voices against the rising crimes and of course, the society has to be with them in this.
Arise and Awake!!