Sunday, February 10, 2008

Writing for self

Writing has always been something that makes me feel delectable and contended. My passion for writing dates back to the time when I used to drag myself to school and used to get caught by my mother writing stories and articles when she asked me to study. College days brought more avenues for writing to the forth. Eventually, I start off my career as an Instructional Designer. Its even better.. I get paid to write and to conceptualize things.. something that I could dedicate the rest of my life to. Notwithstanding this fact, I have some deep and sincere cravings that are churning a whirlpool within me. I feel its time I write for myself. Well, if you are wondering what that means, I want to write not for anyone (in my life, the client whose project I am handling) but for myself. And when I say that, I mean it. I want to author a novel and be one of the writers in the Indian writing scene who is ultimately known for being able to write sensibly and thoughtfully. I want to harness my thoughts and weave good stories from my imagination and put it on paper. Express my innermost thoughts and let the world be the critic. Good or bad, I long for people to opine about what I write. Well, the blog does serve the purpose to some extent but then, print media is my first and eternal love.