Very lately, I have been coming across quite some real life issues with regards to relationships. The time frame for which it has been there doesnt really make a difference per se. There can be situations where in people realise the vagueness of the relationship they are in and wonder what needs to be done to get it sorted out. Now what I am gonna figure out is how do things change if one gets married. Or should I say, do things change if one gets married?
I was talking to this long time buddy of mine. She has been married for almost a year now and there she was, confessing about having thought of some other man in her life with whom she once had a fling even when she was making love with her husband. She says, "its a strange thing to happen. Its not like I dont love him or something but the very fact that disturbs me is that I am having these thoughts even when my husband is around."
Well, I told my friend that she should take some time and try and figure out the reason as to why its happening. I for one had expressed my disapproval for her getting married to this guy not because he is a bad person or something like that but for the plain reason that she should know the person for a longer time before committing for a lifetime. She was plain dumb to listen to her friends and take their opinion that the guy could be the best one she would ever have in her life. Stupid is the only word I have for this girl!
And now, she still fantasizes this other guy with whom she once had a fling. She knows things could have turned their way and they could have been together if at all at any point of time, they would have tried taking their deep friendship a step ahead. Nevertheless, they are in touch and still love the fact that they can be themselves when they speak or are with each other. Now my friend's husband is not completely unaware of this chemistry that she shares with the other guy and at the same time is understanding enough not to mess up her relationship with either of them.
I see and perceive this as one of the most tangled and intricately coiled relationships that could have existed on the face of this earth. I know the other guy as well and he is apparently got a girlfriend now. But then there are weak moments. He and she would probably be the best of couple had they been together but its too late. And so, I suggested my friend to get outta this entire mess because in the end, the only person who would be getting affected is not anyone else, not the other guy but my friend.
My friend, if you are reading this, and feel my suggestion wasnt right, have the audacity to take a decision without thinking if its socially acceptable or not. But do not deceive yourself or your husband. Seriously, DONT!!!